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Building a Foundation: for College Success


Session Topics


  1. Transitioning from High School to College

    1. Choosing and Applying to College

    2. Leaving your comfort zone and going into the unknown

    3. College First Year reflections-advice, things to improve and focus on for year 2

  2. Creating Your New Home Away From Home

    1. Selecting a Roommate and dorm

    2. Healthy Communication

    3. Relationship Building 

    4. Setting Boundaries

    5. Activities on Campus

  3. Be the Best You Can Be

    1. Executive Function Skills

    2. Optimize productivity, Scheduling and Time Management

    3. Accessing and Utilizing Academic Support

  4. Imagine and Create Your Best Self to Get What You Want from Life

    1. Career exploration

    2. Resumes

    3. Interviews

    4. Speaking to people

  5. Transitioning Home After College

    1. Lesson learned, now what?

    2. What's next? Next year and the next few years?

    3. Making the most out of your summer

    4. Reintegrating into home rules and family relationships

Session Dates

July 12 @7pm

July 19 @7pm

July 26 @7pm

August 2 @7pm

August 9 @7pm

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